Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Recruitment Fall 2011

        This year recruitment's theme was "Classic... Beautiful... Timeless" We hit quota by recruiting 12 amazing new ladies, raising the chapter to 55 wonderful women of character! The most we've ever had, and five members over the set total :)
 "All summer I was planning and buying things for recruitment. It is a hard job, but once you actually get to formal recruitment and see the parties and how well we were doing it really pays off :) It was a great relief to have the help of my sisters with setting up and helping each party run smoothly. I loved seeing how well our chapter connected with the girls and helped them understand why we love Tri Sigma and why we want to share this sisterhood with them!  Some of our new girls already want leadership positions and I love to hear that motivation from our new girls! I am so excited for this semester and to get to know them all! All my sisters make me very proud! :)"
~ Kelsey Jackson, Recruitment Director.

      Friday was more of a "getting to know you" and discussion of chapter requirements night. Saturday was fun, we focused on our philanthropy and made baby tie-blankets to be donated to Berean Baptist Church for their bi-annual Kids Closet :) Sunday was "Pref Day" where we got to know our ladies on a much deeper level. Sunday night we handed out our bids and received our lovely new members! 

"Excitement! Formal Recruitment is always full of it. As a senior member of Tri-Sigma, recruitment this past fall was bittersweet for me. On one hand, I could not wait to meet and fall in love with who would be my new sisters, but I also knew that I would not get to see them rise to their full potential while I remain an active member of Epsilon Rho.
I know that some ladies may be nervous to meet and talk to potential new members, and I understand their reserve. It can be intimidating to meet so many wonderful young women who exhibit the qualities we search for in our members. In reality, nerves are simply the body's physical reaction to the excitement and anticipation of all the events of the week. Even seasoned members such as myself still get butterflies during formal recruitment!
My advice to members for formal recruitment is to just be yourself when talking to potential new members. Your sisters love you and saw in you the heart of a true Sigma. It is easy to spit facts out to Potential New Members but I urge you to go deeper into the love you have for our chapter. Talk about the ladies who have become your family, the roles you have taken on to gain a greater knowledge of yourself, and talk about the events that have shaped who you are today and who you will become tomorrow.
Just remember that recruitment is a continuous process. Even though a lot of our energy is focused into formal recruitment, we still should be reaching out to women on our campus who we could see as our sisters!"
~Marija Trence, Senior Member of ∑∑∑.