
The Colliegate Advisory Board (CAB) consists of Tri-Sigma Alumnae who are committed to helping a collegiate chapter foster in all areas of growth including recruitment, financial, and overall chapter goals.  Any Tri-Sigma alumna is eligible to become an advisor to any collegiate chapter in their area, pending approval from National Headquarters.  The commitment is a three year period.  We currently have vacancies if any Alumna is interested.  Please contact the web goddess for more information.

Here are our lovely advisors---

Name: Tarah Bjorklund
What is your Sigma adviser title?  Chapter Advisor
When did you join Sigma? Spring of 2002, EP202

Chairs held: Recruitment Director, Semi-Formal, Special Events, Spirit, Health and Wellness, and more
Favorite Memory: Winning Chapter of the Year and being the Honor Initiate Which family are you in? Bunnies!!!
When did you go alum: Spring of 2005

Why did you decide to become CAB member? After I finished grad school in 2007.
Name one thing you learned from being in Sigma and how it has helped you after Sigma life. 
Sigma taught me a lot about professionalism and how to present myself in front of others. It has helped me in my career now, because of Sigma meetings I always feel comfortable and confident presenting at work meetings!

Name: Lisa Wulff
What is your Sigma adviser title?  Honor Council Advisor, Financial Advisor
When did you join Sigma: Spring Semester of 2005

Chairs held: Treasurer, Honor Council Meeting Planner, Fundraising chair, Historian, Parliamentarian, Web Goddess
Favorite memory: Formals and Yarnings in general were always a favorite, but a specific memory would be the time that we did a Panda and Lion family joint sleepover and we pranked ALL the Fraternities

Which family are you in? Panda Family
When did you go alum: May of 2008 (when I graduated)

Why did you decide to become CAB member? I was looking for ways to get involved and volunteer just in general (not specifically with Sigma), and remembered how much I looked up to the older members and advisors as an active collegiate member.  I figured what better way to give back than with/to an organization that I love so much!  I heard the Honor Council Advisor position was open and since I'd had previous experience there, (and had enjoyed it!) I volunteered and was accepted.
Name one thing you learned from being in Sigma and how it has helped you after Sigma life. How to be more outgoing and laid back (I know seems crazy to think of the hectic sorority life as laid back!) but being in Sigma helped me learn you can't sweat the small stuff.

Name:  Stephanie Newman
What is your Sigma adviser title?  Essential Sigma Advisor
When did you join Sigma:  Fall 2003
Chairs held:  Historian, Sisterhood, Jr PHC Delegate
Favorite memory:  I think all the Bid Days that I was at, they got me pumped to find out who
our newest members were after a long week of recruiting.

Which family are you in?  Panda!!
When did you go alum:  Spring 2006
Why did you decide to become CAB member?  I wanted to still be involved with the chapter and help the chapter in accomplishing their goals.
Name one thing you learned from being in Sigma and how it has helped you after Sigma life.  Time management has helped me in my life after sigma because I had to juggle taking care of my son, going to work and running a home.


Name: Tressa Johnson
What is your Sigma Advisor title?  Awards and Accrediation Advisor
When did you join Sigma? Spring 2004
Chairs held: PR, PHC Delegate, Greek Week, Family Day, Ritual, PHC VP Council Management, PHC President, President
Favorite Memory: Any Sisterhood or time we were together, a memory that stands out is when we dressed up for Semi-Formal and our theme was a Masquerade Ball, we got together and made masks to wear to Semi Formal and had a great time dressing up.
Which family are you in? Teddy Bears
When did you go alum: Fall 2007
Why did you decide to become CAB member? I remember how much Sigma made a positive difference in changing my life, and I want others to be able to have the same experiences and memories.
Name one thing you learned from being in Sigma and how it has helped you after Sigma life.  Sigma helped grow the confidence I needed to become a more independent woman and showed me that I can take on leadership opportunities and I can make a positive difference no matter how many people it impacts.